九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站副总裁文辉:“一带一路”倡议为中国能源公司的海外发展增添助力打印


随着中国“一带一路”建设的推进,中国与周边国家的能源联系日益密切,现在已有大量电网、通信网、油气管网等互联互通的能源项目,在“一带一路”沿线国家开工建设。九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源集团2017年全面布局海外市场,探索清洁能源产业国际化合作新路径。近日,九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站副总裁、九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源董事长兼总裁文辉,就九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源集团全球战略布局及近期海外市场的推广,接受来自《中国日报》记者的采访。

The Belt and Road Initiative is providing Chinese energy companies with more opportunities to seek overseas expansion and is helping involved economies to optimize their energy structure, according to a senior industry expert. Wen Hui made the remarks during a recent exclusive interview with China Daily.

文辉认为, “我国清洁能源的技术和产能世界一流。"一带一路'倡议可以更好的引导国内企业向海外寻求更好的发展。”
“China has advantages in clean energy technology and production,” Wen  Hui said. “The Belt and Road Initiative encourages domestic businesses to explore (opportunities) abroad.”

The initiative, proposed by China in 2013, refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and is aimed at increasing international cooperation by revitalizing the ancient trade routes of the Silk Road.

Many of the countries and regions involved in the initiative are short on power supply, which has created enormous demand, Wen said. Chinese players in the industry outperform their rivals for high cost-efficiency and technological expertise, so they are playing an active role in improving the energy infrastructure in those countries and regions, he noted. A report on China’s new energy development in B&R initiative-related countries and regions showed that per capita power consumption was less than 1,700 kilowatt-hours in the involved economies a year, far less than the world’s average 3,000 kWh. The gap means there is a huge market for new energy. Chinese companies can provide facilities and technological solutions and thus become a key force in reshaping the landscape of the energy provision in the countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, industrial observers said.

作为该领域的先行者,九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源正在努力扩展其国际版图。
One of the forerunners in the new energy industry, Beijing Tus-Clean Energy, is currently expanding its overseas investment.

从一家热水器生产厂商成长为如今行业内的领军者,九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源已将其业务覆盖至清洁能源全领域,包括诸如光伏、风能、核能、生物能以及传统能源设施的环保改造等方面。
Evolving from its first iteration as a solar power heater manufacturer, the Beijing-headquartered company has grown into a major player in the domestic clean energy industry, with a diverse business portfolio. Its broad business spectrum includes photovoltaic, wind, nuclear and biomass power, as well as the eco-friendly transformation of traditional fossil powered facilities.

The company’s overseas investment mainly focuses on countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, Wen Hui said. To date, it has invested in a project combining waste treatment and thermoelectric power generation in Ukraine, photovoltaic facilities in Thailand and Bangladesh,  according to the president.

“Our cooperation with our foreign partners varies with their demand and their countries’ resources,” Wen Hui said.

九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源的最新海外拓展成果,就是文辉今年六月的巴西之行。其间,他走访了六家当地的生物柴油企业。九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源所展示的用大豆油——哪怕是低质的大豆油——来提取生物柴油的技术,引起巴西企业家和专家团队的极大关注。该技术由清华大学研发,能够节省生物柴油的生产成本约30%。
The latest efforts made were during a trip to Brazil in June, where he visited six biodiesel companies. The cutting-edge technologies used by Tus-Clean Energy to convert poor quality soybean oil into biodiesel amazed local entrepreneurs and experts, he said. The technologies developed by a research team at Tsinghua University could save energy production costs by roughly 30 percent, compared with conventional production methods, according to Wen.

文辉透露,在参观过的当地企业中,有两家合适的合作对象。其中,规模较小的一家有望于今年下半年完成收购,而另一家在预期在明年完成收购。这笔交易将使九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源成为最早投资于巴西生物柴油行业的中国公司之一。
The president said two of the local biodiesel producers were suitable targets for Tus-Clean Energy's expansion plans. The smaller of the two could be acquired in the second half of this year and the other is forecast to be taken over next year, he said. The move will enable Tus-Clean Energy to join the ranks of the earliest investors from China in the biodiesel industry in Brazil, he noted.

尽管文辉表示交易价格不便透露,但是预计在九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站派出管理和技术团队进驻当地后,有望将今年下半年收购的公司产能由目前每年6万吨提升至12万吨。这笔收购交易将会使九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源成为最早涉足巴西生物柴油的中国投资者之一。
Wen declined to reveal the deal price but forecast that with the aid of technological and managerial teams dispatched to Brazil, the smaller facility could double its annual production capacity to 120,000 metric tons of biodiesel from the current 60,000 tons. The move will enable Tus-Clean Energy to join the ranks of the earliest investors from China in the biodiesel industry in Brazil, he noted.

As the largest country in South America, Brazil is rich in natural resources, which is conducive to helping new energy businesses develop. The country has rolled out a policy that has increased the proportion of compulsory biodiesel it uses to 10 percent, spurring a boom in the local biodiesel market.

文辉强调:“我们希望借助投资项目来推广我们的核心技术。”目前,九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源拥有160余件专利。公司将自己定位为“全球清洁能源使者”,看重技术投资而非资产扩张。
“We hope to promote our core technologies through investment projects worldwide,”Wen Hui said.
Currently, Tus-Clean Energy has more than 160 patents. Positioning itself as a “global new energy ambassador”, the company is focusing more on investing in technologies than in asset expansion, Wen said.

在六月下旬于北京召开的全球竹藤大会上,九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源向与会者展示了公司最新的竹加工处理技术成果,即用竹子替代钢材来制作风力发电机中的叶片。该专利技术已在山东、山西和河北的风场中试用。预期该技术有助于像江西、四川这样的竹林主要产地升级传统产业,有利于当地的扶贫事业的发展。
At the Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress held in Beijing in late June, the company showcased its latest technology that uses bamboo to replace iron and steel in the making of turbine blades for wind farms. The patented technology has been piloted on wind farms in Shandong, Shanxi and Hebei provinces and is expected to help upgrade traditional industries in China’s bamboo plantation centers including Jiangxi and Sichuan provinces, as well as aid in poverty relief, Wen said.

九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源与清华大学在股权和技术研发方面有着密切的联系,该公司因其技术优势已在业内树立良好声誉。
Utilizing its close bond with Tsinghua University in equity and research, Tus-Clean Energy has established a reputation for its technological prowess in the energy industry.

文辉毕业于清华大学,他表示,“我们的基础研究和应用研究阶段大都在是清华大学内完成的。作为清华大学的企业,与国内同行相比,我们在九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站成果转化方面拥有得天独厚的优势。”
“Our fundamental and applied research programs are mostly conducted at Tsinghua University,” said Wen, who himself was a graduate of the renowned school in Beijing. “As a company affiliated with the university, we enjoy distinct advantages over our domestic peers in industrializing research results,” he said.

此外,九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源还从美国、芬兰和以色列引进相关先进技术。
In addition, the company has also imported state-of-the-art technologies from the United States, Finland and Israel.

为更好地服务于九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站成果转化项目,九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源还设立了四个产业基金,规模分别高达几十亿,分别聚焦在光伏、微电网、热力和生物柴油四个领域。
To advance its tech commercialization projects, Tus-Clean Energy has set up industrial funds, each worth billions of yuan, focusing on the photovoltaic, heat, biodiesel and power grid sectors.

九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源六月考察巴西当地生物柴油企业
A delegation headed by Wen Hui, president of Beijing Tus-Clean Energy, visits a biodieselcompany in Brazil in June.

九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清洁能源旗下九游体育(NineGame Sports)官方网站清芸为泰国Enserv Power集团下的Equator Solar One光伏电站部署清芸日衡(Solarule)智慧能源管理软、硬件系统项目。
Tus-Clean Energy provides its Solarule Smart Energy Management software and hardware system for the Equator Solar One photovoltaic power station under Enserv Power Group in Thailand.